Our School

Educational experts believe that a proper mix of formal & informal education (academics and practical) is important aspect of one’s development. Considering that, we at Ab-Normal Home, have four days of academics and a one day reserved for activity-based education. Kids undergo theoretical learning by way of different activities and exercises theory learnt during the week. Learning methods can be divided into two logical ways viz. Inductive method and Deductive method

Inductive method is the one that is practiced in teaching approved syllabus. It comprises of teaching the theory part first and then reinforcing the same by understanding its practical application. This requires a capacity to think at an abstract level especially for subjects like mathematics, science & Social science. It is found that children with normal abilities find it difficult to learn these abstract concepts which indicate how bigger challenge it is for the “Special” children to achieve the same. To make the task of “imagining” the concept to be able to comprehend it fully, we conduct some inductive activities at Ab-normal home:

The Fridays are reserved for deductive learning. In this method, children introspect on the activities completed during the week by way of inductive method. The introspection can take place at individual or group level This approach works best for kids with moderate disability. However, at Ab-Normal Home, there are children with multiple and or severe disability too who need special attention hence they are catered to in a different way. The children with severe disabilities need training even to conduct basic day to day activities such as washing hands, having food, communicating and conveying basic needs to the caretaker and toilet training. Though these children show progress at a very low pace, given proper training and productive atmosphere to thrive they can make noticeable progress and more importantly are happy to be here and enjoy the activities.

Parents are very important aspect of Ab-Normal Home family. Through constant interactions, they are kept posted about child’s progress. Parents too provide continuous feedback which helps us customize the course of action for everyone. Meetings are conducted every month to carry out such interactions.

We have a very dedicated staff at Ab-Normal Home that helps us meet our goals and objectives. Trainings are conducted to enhance their existing skills, build the team and improve their approach. As a human being everyone likes to see fruits of their efforts and that too as soon as possible. However, while working with special children, lots of patience is required to be able to notice any visible or measurable progress made by the child. The staff is trained to develop an eye to notice these minute changes and to customize their inputs to the child according to his or her needs.


Music (Harmonium, Singing)

  • Most important and beneficial therapy

  • Relieves child's mental and emotional stress, resolves behavioral issues

  • Its an interaction between a therapist, client or group of clients and the use of music

  • Improves and maintains physical, psychological and social well-being

  • Raises moods, gets them excited and makes them calm/ relaxed


  • Assists in expression for those facing problem in speech, lack of vocabulary or problem in linguistic expression

  • Indirectly helps in communication, leading to socialization

  • Integrates mental, physical and emotional aspects through expressive movements

  • Removes emotional blocks, indirectly helping to improve psychological health

  • Improves the motor skills such as Fine, Gross etc. Also improves physical fitness

  • Improves imagination which helps in thinking, understanding and learning process

  • Enhances the ability to express emotions and also lessens the mood fluctuations

  • Improves self confidence

Plant nursery

  • Used for both the purposes of skill development and vocational training

  • Helps in knowing the process of Germination which covers the academic part

  • Gives knowledge about plantation process

  • Develops the sense of responsibility and taking care of others. Also develops emotional quotient.

  • Develops marketing skills such as Display, Marketing, communication skills, dealing with people, sale, money transactions etc.

Art & craft

  • Creative vocational activities

  • Increases the involvement of child in the group, enhancing social behaviour

  • Enhances creativity

  • Improves fine motor skills

  • Helps to understand the sequential work also improves the thought process

  • Use as base of academics eg. teaching colours, counting, vocabulary etc.

  • Develops Perfection, neatness, presentation skills

Vocational Training

  • Ab normal home's motto is to make special child self sufficient which leads to one of the most important aspects is 'to earn'.

  • Skill development through this

  • effectively engage, teach and develop skills for earning

  • Impart training for
    seasonal things : Diya painting, Rakhi making, greeting cards etc.
    Creative work : Coffee paintings, Warali paintings, Plant nursery etc.
    Mouth freshner : "Sugandhi Badishep"
    Social awareness project of disposal of used sanitary napkins :- Red dot packets.

Pet Therapy

  • Guided interaction between a person and trained animal

  • Improves the emotional quotient and psychological health

  • Improves motor skills ( Fine motor, Gross motor skills)

  • Develops the sense of responsibility and ability to care oneself

  • Reduces isolation




  • Traditional sport of India in which gymnast performs aerial yoga postures and wrestling grips with a vertical stationary or hanging wooden pole or rope

  • As all are special children in Ab Normal Home, before starting with Mallakhamb, we need to start with the physical fitness and strengthening the muscles

  • We start with some of the Gymnastics exercises which develops the muscles of the arms, legs, shoulders, back, chest and abdominal

  • Develops the group involvement with the individual development

  • Develops sense of responsibility


  • Tabla can be used as therapy for special kids.

  • Learning Tabla or rather any kind of Instrument increases brain activity and is very good for overall development as researched by scientists all over the world.

  • Tabla is a healing art.

  • Playing Tabla increases body awareness & kinesthetic development; it helps students develop graceful coordination and self-control.

  • Playing Tabla helps improve synchronism in Body, Mind as well as the other senses.

  • Listening tabla as well work as therapy.

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